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RunMyVillage User Talk - 12 PM PT / 1 PM MT / 2 PM CT / 3 PM ET
Registration Info
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About this event
These monthly talks are designed to help Villages use RunMyVillage more effectively. Each month has a different topic. The intended audience always includes the technology community within your Village; in addition, others in the Village may be invited based on the planned topic. Each of the User Talks has time for Villages to ask RunMyVillage-related questions to RMV and to other Villages. Examples of what we plan for these talks: RMV new release updates and discussions, results of surveys of desired enhancements to RMV, discussion of best practices and common issues particularly where Villages use RMV is different ways, and orientations for new Villages. If you have ideas for topics, email us at Videos for all previous User Talk webinars are on the VtV website.