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HomeCalendarRunMyVillage User Talk - 12 PM PT / 1 PM MT / 2 PM CT / 3 PM ET

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RunMyVillage User Talk - 12 PM PT / 1 PM MT / 2 PM CT / 3 PM ET


Tuesday, May 21, 2024


VtV Webinars

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About this event

The May 21 User Talk will be the third and last one discussing proposed enhancements to RunMyVillage’s Service Tab features and any other RMV features that are used only by Villages.

At this meeting, we will be finalizing these proposed enhancements, so we are ready to submit them to CE/RMV.  We will be asking CE/RMV to develop and deploy these in the late summer and fall.

Here’s our current thinking:

·       Volunteers from ten Villages (“working group”) have been considering all the proposed enhancements that have been submitted and the discussions at the last two User Talks.  As needed, we have rewritten enhancement descriptions to make them clear, concise, and complete.  When necessary, we have checked back with the Village that originally submitted the proposed enhancement.  Based on our understanding of the importance of each enhancement to multiple Villages, the “working group” put the enhancements in the priority order for development that we believe would be of most value to Villages.

·       On May 15th or 16th, we will post to the Forum the list of proposed enhancements and the recommendations of priorities.

·       At the User Talk, we will welcome comments and discussion on these enhancements and the priorities.   Based on this discussion, we may update any of the proposed enhancements and the priorities before submitting them to CE/RMV.

We see this session as one where those attending will have reviewed the material we sent out and bring up the proposed enhancements and priorities that they want to discuss.  We will only be discussing those that attendees ask the group to discuss.


Each year, the VtV RMV User Group solicits enhancement ideas about the features on RMV’s Services tab, works with Villages to decide priorities, and then submits these as recommendations to CE/RMV. In recent years, CE/RMV has implemented most of the Villages’ highest-priority recommendations. 

In late February, we began been soliciting ideas.  In mid-March and mid-April User Talks were open discussions about the ideas we had received.  In April, we asked Villages whether they wanted to join our “working group” to develop a final list of enhancements and propose priorities.


After the User Talk in May, we will submit the proposed enhancements to CE/RMV.


To get the Zoom link for the meeting: Register on the VtV Calendar to get the Zoom or, if you are not a VtV member, send us a request with your name and email address to

These monthly talks are designed to help Villages use RunMyVillage more effectively.  Each month has a different topic.  The intended audience always includes the technology community within your Village; in addition, others in the Village may be invited based on the planned topic.  Each of the User Talks has time for Villages to ask RunMyVillage-related questions to RMV and to other Villages. Examples of what we plan for these talks: RMV new release updates and discussions, results of surveys of desired enhancements to RMV, discussion of best practices and common issues particularly where Villages use RMV is different ways, and orientations for new Villages.     If you have ideas for topics, email us at  Videos for all previous User Talk webinars are on the VtV website.